Saturday, November 9, 2013


At first, skeptical about using Windows Powershell. Later it was a good tool to live with for Keyboard pros than fiddle around with UI.

Sure, windows 7 has improved vastly compared to XP. At the end of the day, does the work get done is all that matters. Linux, Mac OS or anything for that matter should let users discover features with minimal learning to fulfill their work.

Mosaic District, Falls Church, Fairfax County, Northern Virginia

The good - Nice film center with free movies during summer.  New restaurants, Target store with ample parking. Target is high end here, so doesn't have some regular lower priced stuff seen in other target stores.

The bad - There is no such thing. It's a good place to spend an entire evening and feel good about the experience while slimming down the wallet.

Thanksgiving 2013

Considering it's densely populated, Fairfax county Northern Virginia does have it's charm. Anytime traffic on weekends just becomes magnanimous during holiday season. The fun of shopping on Thanksgiving night is good too. It was funny last year  to see every school kid lining up at Urban outfitters or some store which pretty much sells graphic tees, which does appeal to that demographic.

One thing for sure. It's no good to do door busters shopping when such deals are available all year long. Just that it needs some patience or time for research.

Weather predictions...

It's 2013 winter season. Living in Northern VA Fairfax county, I've seen winter patterns for the past 7 seasons. Snow fall generally happens end of the year or early next year. But the cold weather does catch up right at the tail end of fall. It's chilly, windy and reminds that seasons change for a reason. It's pleasant to have summer all year or just spring all year. I guess there is an age for that which yearns for it. At this time, I'm still good with whatever Mother Nature spins up from it's Kitchen.


At best, it's better to do one thing at a time then do everything simultaneously compared to carrying no good memories of work just done.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Metro development...

Washington metro extending connectivity in Northern VA Fairfax county looks pretty much done. The landscape has changed, stations and trains flying over than being subway. The traffic situation might improve, but it might very well make the new places face entry/exit traffic during peak work hours.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Housing Market Fairfax County

The housing market is recovering very nicely in Fairfax, Northern Virginia.

Median Sales price have increased by 8% and Units Sold down by 2%.

What does this mean? More people are preferring to keep their homes from selling and are looking to sell on the uptrend, maybe at the peak.

Is this a good sign of Housing Market Recovery?

Does Sequestration and Budget Cuts have a bearing on Sales? We won't know until a year from now. This state has been immune to nation-wide economic downturn, as Federal spending weren't impacted. It might be different this year as the region and workers braces  budget & spending cuts for 2013.

Let's catch up a year from now on this Post.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Fairfax county Parkway renumbered?

Reasoning behind naming Route 7100 (Fairfax county parkway) to 286, converts it from secondary to primary road, meaning it may be eligible for new funding and maintenance priorities. The route can get federal funding for paving, guardrail and bridge improvements, along with other projects. The feds typically cover 80 percent of the cost to maintain interstates and primary roads. The state generally pays the remaining 20 percent.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Best buy Fairfax or Vienna...

Apple fans can get another fix for their appetite. Great deals on best buy clearance when you buy 3rd generation which is as good ad 4th except for a different port connector. Get them for $320 while it lasts.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Winter season at Fairfax, VA

2013 winter in Fairfax County Virginia has been completely contrary to 2012 winter season. The usual pattern of cold and freezing temperature during Dec to Mar seems unusual thanks to warm winter that made us feel it this time. The blessing is, or so far, we've dodged hurricane Sandy, and recent battering that Connecticut and upper North Eastern states took sparing our region. It's Feb, most tail end and this month which has been notorious for blizzards of 2009/2010 has some more days left to a suspense ending.